terlitsi and plants

"There is always a need for terlitsi! Or how about a plant, you need some plants for your balcony... And then we will find you a man!"

ending long weekends

But, as the sun sets on Sunday, the cars take up their spots on the sidewalks again, and the people come limping and sore to their benches and gathering spots, swapping stories about that other never ending project they all have...


fried fish in front of the kalkan.


next door the pounding starts every morning.

“a new kitchen for the new family.”
He says coming out of the elevator with new cabinets.

They were just married last month. . . . . . . . .

chushki smoke

Smells. We respond strongly to them. In the panelka, they are readily available.

bedroom and rakia

"She's old. She doesn't need these rooms. She sleeps in the kitchen, so we keep the rakiya in the bedroom."