chushki smoke

Smells. We respond strongly to them. In the panelka, they are readily available.

summer fading

"There is no such insulation on these panels." -tap - tap- "You have to insulate yourself!"


"they probably don't give them to renters...."

ikoni and a switch

I hear about how, the night before Easter, they would show american movies in the theaters, in attempts to deter people from the midnight candle tradition at the churches. One evil for another they figured.

water heaters

It squeals as it pulls water into the tubes, heating the liquid, filling its big belly.


"Those people, the people that have lived in the villages all their lives, they don't understand things like this..."

business and home

"People who don't like to leave Trakiya if they don't have to. Our business has been much better here than it probably ever would have been in the center"

for the mice

"She went there to be an architect, and we live here.... where the mice run up and down our pipes."

catching busses

"We didn't have sidewalks or grass, but we had big streets and lots of busses....."